latest news & announcements

Deborah Dickerson Appointed Center Director

Deborah Dickerson, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering and the Myers-Lawson School of Construction, has been appointed to lead the Virginia Tech Center for Innovation in Construction Safety, Health, and Well-being (IC-SAFE).  The IC-SAFE is a consortium of researchers, students, industry leaders, and worker representatives conducting interdisciplinary research to improve safety and health in construction.


Foresite placed in 2015 CIS Mobile App competition

An interdisciplinary student research team has come in third place in a National App design competition, the 2015 CIS Mobile App Competition. The announcement was made in Nashville at the Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference and Expo. The Android version of the construction site safety app can be downloaded now. Other versions and the Pro ($1.99) will be available soon. IC-SAFE will host the App.

The team was comprised as follows:

Construction Safety Survey

We are currently conducting a construction safety needs assessment to gain a better understanding of the hazards and safety practices in construction. We invite everyone involved in construction to participate. Our hope is to make this survey an annual or biennial event in order to gauge industry concerns and then provide direction for construction safety and health research. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the risk of injury and fatalities and improve the well-being of American construction workers without trading off your productivity or profitability.

Safety Week 2015

Many Roles, One Goal - Building Safety Together!

May 3rd - May 9th, 2015

National Safety Stand-Down, to Prevent Falls in Construction

The National Safety Stand-Down week helps prevent falls in Construction and is designed to raise awareness of preventing fall hazards in construction. Falls is the leading cause of death for workers, and can be preventable.

As a member of the NORA Sector Council for Construction, Dr. Kleiner has involved Virginia Tech in the National Campaign for Falls Prevention.

A "Stand –Down" is a voluntary event for employers to talk directly to employees about safety, there are many ways organizations are participating around the country.

Is Green Construction Safe Construction?

Annie Pearce and Brian Kleiner conducted a study for the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health to gain a better understanding about whether "green" projects are also safe projects.

The goal of this investigation was to evaluate potential mechanisms that can be used to leverage growing trends in green construction to address OSH risks associated with green projects. The objective of this study was to answer the following research questions as a step toward that end:

Many Roles, One Goal - Building Safety Together!

31 national and global construction firms comprising The Construction Industry Safety (CISI) group and the Incident and Injury Free CEO (IIF) Forum have joined forces to inspire everyone in the industry to be leaders in safety.

We are proud of our affiliation with several of these construction firms and encourage all to celebrate the first US Industry Safety Week 5-4-14 to 5-10-14.

For more information about safety week and how to participate please visit this website.

Safety is Key Lesson

According to the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 4,405 workers died on the job in 2013. The U.S. also lags significantly behind other countries, including Australia and the United Kingdom, in key safety measures. Virginia Tech's Myers-Lawson School of Construction is working to change these issues and shape the future of health and safety in the construction industry.